Chesapeake Urology
Are your bladder or bowels not working right?
We can help.
Discover treatment options for bladder and bowel control
This event has concluded.
Loss of bladder and bowel control are extremely common.1-4 Choose a more personalized approach and get more control.
If you are experiencing any of the following:
  • Uncontrollable urges to go to the bathroom
  • Frequent accidents resulting in wearing pads
  • Getting up multiple times at night
  • Not emptying your bladder all the way
Kelly Johnson, M.D.
Kelly Johnson, M.D.
Join us for a free, anonymous, virtual educational event
  • Learn about symptoms, conditions, and causes
  • Understand your treatment options
  • Understand next steps to gain more freedom, more control, and more life
Monday, October 2, 2023
Presentation: 6:00 PM ET

Zoom OR
Physician's Pavilion North (PPN),
6535 Charles St # 500,
Baltimore, MD 21204

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Chesapeake Urology